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Unincorporated, Everywhere and Pretty Much All Disadvantaged

There are urbanized, unincorporated communities all over California. And most of those places are "disadvantaged" to some extent, whether stemming from demographics or socio-economics or lack of local control. Residents of unincorporated areas do not have the same rights and privileges as their counterparts who happen to live in cities. They don't have Mayors and City Councils that can address local priorities. The Governor's Office of Planning and Research (OPR) has a handy mapping tool that shows where the unincorporated areas are in the state. With that tool users can zoom in for fine detail. Not that it matters to OPR, though. In 2019 our coalition met with OPR and gave a presentation (available at our Library page) about our plight. Months later OPR responded, saying it was up to the Legislature to figure things out.

May contain: chart, plot, map, land, nature, outdoors, atlas, diagram, sea, and water
OPR's mapping tool with unincorporated areas in SoCal shown in purple.
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